Triple Sulfa is indicated for use in case of infections (esp. respiratory and intestinal infections) caused by micro-organisms sensitive to sulfonamides. Including shipping fever, acute metritis, foot-rot, bacterial scours,haemorrhagic septicaemia, wooden tongue, strangles, infectious coryza, acute fowl cholera, pullorum typhoid disease and coccidiosis.


12 x 10 x 100 gm sachet in 1 carton.



Each gram powder contains:

Sulfadimidine sodium 110 mg.

Sulfadiazine sodiumĀ  110 mg.

Sulfamerazine sodium 110 mg.


Triple Sulfa is indicated for use in case of infections (esp. respiratory and intestinal infections) caused by micro-organisms sensitive to sulfonamides. Including shipping fever, acute metritis, foot-rot, bacterial scours,haemorrhagic septicaemia, wooden tongue, strangles, infectious coryza, acute fowl cholera, pullorum typhoid disease and coccidiosis.


Administration in case of renal or hepatic insufficiency, chronic infections, abscess formation, poultry laying eggs and prolonged administration (longer than 7 days).


Continued use in ruminants may result in diarrhoea and debility with a loss of appetite and milk yield.

In poultry, depression, retarded growth and haemorrhages may occur. Sometimes egg production is reduced with thin and/or rough shells. In all animal species crystalluria may occur, but this is rare due to the combination of three sulfonamides.

Dosage and Administration: Orally, via the drinking water.

Poultry: In case of coccidiosis, mix the contents of one sachet with 100 litres of drinking water and administer for 3 days, give plain water for 2 days, and repeat medication for 3 days.

Treatment of all bacterial infections: Administer one sachet per 50 – 100 litres drinking water for 4-5 days.

Other target species: administer 10-20 gram Triple Sulfa per 50 kg bodyweight.

Recommendations and Warnings: In case of severe infection the highest dosage is recommended.

Free access to unlimited water is essential. In case of reduced water consumption due to palatablility, flavouring agents can be added. Medicated water should be used within 12 hours after preparation. Resistance against sulfonamides is emerging; in case of diminished activity consult a veterinarian.

Withdrawal time:

10 days (pigs: 14 days) before slaughtering and 7 days before milking.


Keep closed in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight and safe from children.


12 x 10 sachets of 100 gm sachet in 1 carton.



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